Friday October 12th, 2007: 0 miles
AM: 0 miles
PM: 0 miles 33 throws. 14 sprints. Kettlebells: 40 double swings with 70s. 40 single cleans with 70s. 20 single snatches with 70. 20 double snatches with 35s. 40 single snatches with 35. 40 double swings with 35s. 100 single swings with 35. Weightroom: Step-ups: 6 @ 225lb each leg followed by 10 single leg jumps onto bench. Single leg deadlifts: 6 @ 185lbs followed by 10 single leg forward hops. 1-armed dumbbell bench press on physioball: 6 @ 70lb each arm followed by 10 alternating explosive push-ups. Renegade Row: 6 @ 70lb each arm. 1-arm military press: 8 @ 50lb. Wide grip bench cycle: start at 1 rep, add a rep each cycle, cycles start every 30 seconds, completed up to 7 reps. 115 stair jumps. 40 plyo push-ups.
Thursday October 11th, 2007: 0 miles
AM: 0 miles
PM: 0 miles 14 sprints, 200 medicine ball throws, 40 plyo push-ups, 40 plyo jumps, 22 throws.
Wednesday October 10th, 2007: 0 miles
AM: 0 miles
PM: 0 miles Worked out with Johnny from Platoon Fitness in his "Gladiator Academy." Did a workout called "Dirty Thirties": 30 reps of the following as fast as you can finish: hang cleans with 135lb, dips, pull-ups, renegade rows/push-ups with 40lb dumbbells, double kettlebell swings with 70lbers, front squat to press with 65lb, knees to elbows on pull-up bar, burpees. Took me 34 minutes. New nickname: Flexcaliber (unless the ladies are asking, then it's Sexcaliber).
Tuesday October 9th, 2007: 0 miles
AM: 0 miles
PM: 0 miles Took it fairly easy. 22 throws. Lots of footwork. 5 sprints.
Monday October 8th, 2007: 0 miles
AM: 0 miles
PM: 0 miles Going all single-limb next two weeks.
Step-Ups: (12 inch box?)
10 @ 225lb each leg followed by 10 single-leg hops onto box
3 @ 315lb followed by 3 hops
1-armed bench on physioball:
3 @ 88lb kettlebell
10 @ 54lb kettlebell
50 explosive staggered push-ups
1-armed chest flies on physioball:
10 @ 35lb kettlebell
3 @ 54lb kettlebell
1-legged deadlifts:
5 @ 225lb each leg
Lunge and twist:
4 @ 225lb each leg followed by 20 split jumps
1-armed kettlebell military press:
5 @ 70lb
10 @ 35lb with bell in "vertical" position
10 50m hose drags
5 seated kettlebell throws to each side preceded by 15 sec plank
20 swings w/70lb kettlebell
Sunday October 7th, 2007: 0 miles
AM: 0 miles
PM: 0 miles Went 2 for 4 in my co-ed softball game. Made a few nice catches in left field. Tagged a guy out at 3rd during a run-down. Lost the game though. 15-11. Got the Buffalo Chicken Fingers and Fries at Ye Olde Ale House afterward.
Took about 30 throws and did some footwork. Decent day overall
Friday October 5th, 2007: 0 miles
AM: 0 miles
PM: 0 miles 6 competition throws for measurement. Felt really stale. 47.20m was my best, about 154'. I know I'm stronger than that. I think I'm just in a funk. Gotta get out of it.